Machines, equipment, stationary or mobile
devicesMachines, equipment, stationary or mobile devices, control and equipment parts as well as warning and preventions systems, intended either individually or in combination for the generation, transmission, storage, measurement, control and conversion of energy and/or to process materials, and which..., control and equipment parts as well as warning and preventions systems, intended either individually or in combination for the generation, transmission, storage, measurement, control and conversion of energy and/or to process materials, and which imply their own potential
ignition sourcesEvery source with sufficient energy to trigger combustion, i.e. hot surfaces, flames, smouldering pockets, mechanically generated sparks, electrical equipment, electrostatic discharge causing clouds of dust or dusts deposits to ignite. and might, for this reason, cause an
explosionSudden oxidation or decomposition substance concentrating in the air causing an explosion..